
Grandville HS* - Presented by Vic Firth

*March 29 and 30 will be our second annual MAPA Double Header Weekend, which will offer the same judging panel at back-to-back events.
Grandville High School
4700 Canal SW
Grandville, MI 49418
Children 5 and under are free
Music: Chris Romanowski
Visual/Winds Visual: Chris Cowling
Music General Effect/Winds Effect: Todd Fox
Visual General Effect/Winds Music: Wayne Dillon
T&P: Aaron Swiney

Lakeland HS* - Presented by Vic Firth

*March 29 and 30 will be our second annual MAPA Double Header Weekend, which will offer the same judging panel at back-to-back events.
Lakeland High School
1630 Bogie Lake Rd,
White Lake, MI 48383
Children 5 and under are free
Music: Chris Romanowski
Visual/Winds Visual: Chris Cowling
Music General Effect/Winds Effect: Todd Fox
Visual General Effect/Winds Music: Wayne Dillon
T&P: Bill Prout

2025 Championships @ Milford HS

Milford High School
2380 S Milford Rd.
Milford, MI 48357
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music: Chris Romanowski
Music: Jeff Brooks
Visual: Juno Orefice
Visual: Amy Fallon
Music General Effect: Richard Saucedo
Music General Effect: Bill Boswell
Visual General Effect: Jeremy Tate
Visual General Effect: Dave Pickett
T&P: Bill Prout
Winds Judges
Music: Bill Boswell
Music: Richard Saucedo
Visual: Amy Fallon
Visual: Juno Orefice
Overall Effect: Jeremy Tate
Overall Effect: Dave Pickett
T&P: Bill Prout
Kent City HS - Presented by West Michigan Band Instruments

logistical schedule can be found in Event Information Packet linked above
Kent City High School
351 N Main St.
Kent City, MI 49330
Children 5 and under are free
Music: Bill Boswell
Visual/Winds Visual: Austin Greene
Music General Effect/Winds Music: Dave Armbruster
Visual General Effect/Winds Effect: Amy Fallon
T&P: Bill Prout

Bloomfield Hills HS - Presented by Zildjian

Bloomfield Hills High School
4200 Andover Rd
Bloomfield Twp, MI 48302
Children 5 and under are free
Music: Charlie A Poole Jr.
Visual/Winds Visual: Sean Davis McElroy
Music General Effect/Winds Music: Jonathan Jadvani
Visual General Effect/Winds Effect: Chris Cowling
T&P: Aaron Swiney

Hudsonville HS - Presented by Box 5 Bets

Hudsonville High School
5155 32nd Ave
Hudsonville, MI 49426
Children 5 and under are free
Music/Winds Music: Jeff Brooks
Visual/Winds Visual: Mike Tarr
Music General Effect/Winds Effect: Jay Kennedy
Visual General Effect: Matt Albrecht
T&P: Aaron Swiney

Milford HS
This event has been canceled due to inclement weather.
Due to inclement weather and forecasted impacts on travel, MAPA and our event partners have decided that it is in the best interest of everyone’s safety to cancel the MAPA Milford event.
Directors should look for follow-up emails from MAPA with more details and next steps. Participating ensembles will have the option to transfer their registration to another event.

Milford High School
2380 S Milford Rd.
Milford, MI 48357
Children 5 and under are free
Music/Winds Music: Bill Boswell
Visual/Winds Visual: Dave Pickett
Music General Effect/Winds Effect: Todd Fox
Visual General Effect: Jeremy Tate
T&P: Bill Prout
Schedule - FINAL
Logistical schedule can be found in event information packet

2024 Championships @ Eastern Michigan University George Gervin GameAbove Center
Eastern Michigan University
George Gervin GameAbove Center
799 N. Hewitt Rd.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
* Only sold in person at the gate. Ticket booth opens at 9am.
Cash and Credit Accepted.
$27 General Admission
$35 Reserved
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Nick Angelis
James Sparling
Visual Juno Orefice
Jeremy Tate
Effect Music Chris Romanowski
Todd Fox
Effect Visual Chris Cowling
Amy Fallon
T&P Bill Prout
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Nick Angelis
Chris Romanowski
Visual Analysis Juno Orefice
Jeremy Tate
Overall Effect Todd Fox
Amy Fallon
T&P Bill Prout

Grandville HS*

*March 23 and 24 will be our first-ever MAPA Double Header Weekend, which will offer the same judging panel at back-to-back events.
Grandville High School
4700 Canal SW
Grandville, MI 49418
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Todd Fox
Visual Juno Orefice
Effect Music Chris Romanowski
Effect Visual Chris Cowling
T&P Bill Prout
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Todd Fox
Visual Analysis Juno Orefice
Overall Effect Chris Romanowski
T&P Bill Prout

Lakeland HS*

*March 23 and 24 will be our first-ever MAPA Double Header Weekend, which will offer the same judging panel at back-to-back events.
Lakeland High School
1630 Bogie Lake Rd,
White Lake, MI 48383
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Todd Fox
Visual Juno Orefice
Effect Music Chris Romanowski
Effect Visual Chris Cowling
T&P Aaron Swiney
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Todd Fox
Visual Analysis Juno Orefice
Overall Effect Chris Romanowski
T&P Aaron Swiney
Kent City HS

Kent City High School
351 N Main St.
Kent City, MI 49330
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Nick Angelis
Visual Mike Tarr
Effect Music Jeff Brooks
Effect Visual Sean McElroy
T&P Bill Prout
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Nick Angelis
Visual Analysis Mike Tarr
Overall Effect Jeff Brooks
T&P Bill Prout

Milford HS

Milford High School
2380 S Milford Rd.
Milford, MI 48357
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Allen Kristensen
Visual Juno Orefice
Effect Music KJ Stafford
Effect Visual Dave Pickett
T&P Aaron Swiney
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Allen Kristensen
Visual Analysis Juno Orefice
Overall Effect KJ Stafford
T&P Aaron Swiney

Bloomfield Hills HS

Bloomfield Hills High School
4200 Andover Rd
Bloomfield Twp, MI 48302
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Bill Boswell
Visual Jeremy Oliver
Effect Music Rich Hammond
Effect Visual Amy Fallon
T&P Phil Tanner
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Bill Boswell
Visual Analysis Jeremy Oliver
Overall Effect Rich Hammond
T&P Phil Tanner

Plainwell HS

Plainwell High School
684 Starr Road
Plainwell, MI 49080
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Charlie Poole
Visual Jeremy Tate
Effect Music Jeff Ausdemore
Effect Visual Dave Pickett
T&P Aaron Swiney
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Jeff Ausdemore
Visual Analysis Jeremy Tate
Overall Effect Dave Pickett
T&P Aaron Swiney

2023 Championships @ Eastern Michigan University George Gervin GameAbove Center
Eastern Michigan University
George Gervin GameAbove Center
799 N. Hewitt Rd.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
* Only sold in person at the gate. Ticket booth opens at 9am.
$25 General Admission
$30-35 Reserved
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Bret Kuhn
Jeff Brooks
Visual Austin Greene
Jeremy Tate
Effect Music Matt Savage
Todd Fox
Effect Visual Blair Kuhn
Dave Pickett
T&P Phil Tanner
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Bret Kuhn
Todd Fox
Visual Analysis Austin Greene
Jeremy Tate
Overall Effect Blair Kuhn
Dave Pickett
T&P Phil Tanner
Kent City HS
Kent City High School
351 N Main St.
Kent City, MI 49330
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Charlie Poole
Visual Juno Orefice
Effect Music Marc Whitlock
Effect Visual Dave Pickett
T&P Aaron Swiney
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Marc Whitlock
Visual Analysis Juno Orefice
Overall Effect Dave Pickett
T&P Aaron Swiney
Carlson HS

Carlson High School
30550 W Jefferson Ave.
Gibraltar, MI 48173
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Matt Savage
Visual Amy Fallon
Effect Music Todd Fox
Effect Visual Noah Bellamy
T&P Phil Tanner
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Todd Fox
Visual Analysis Noah Bellamy
Overall Effect Matt Savage
T&P Phil Tanner
Hastings HS
Hastings High School
520 W South St.
Hastings, MI 49058
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Allan Kristensen
Visual Mike Tarr
Effect Music Rich Hammond
Effect Visual Dave Pickett
T&P Bill Prout
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Rich Hammond
Visual Analysis Mike Tarr
Overall Effect Dave Pickett
T&P Bill Prout

Comstock Park HS

Comstock Park High School
150 Six Mile Rd. NE
Comstock Park, MI 49321
Children 5 and under are free
Percussion Judges
Music Peter Furnari
Visual Tim Gray
Effect Music Clif Walker
Effect Visual Bobby Jones
T&P Phil Tanner
Winds Judges
Music Analysis Clif Walker
Visual Analysis Tim Gray
Overall Effect Bobby Jones
T&P Phil Tanner